Talks & Presentations
What is sociological research? Exploring Norwegian, Hungarian and English student and staff views, and curriculum documents
This talk explores sociology through a mixture of curriculum document analysis and interviews with sociology students and staff in three European countries. An overview and comparison of curriculum documents from Hungary, England and Norway explores the theoretical, methodological and thematic foci of undergraduate degrees. Alongside this, student and staff interviews show how they see the diversity of the discipline as something to embrace to help solidify students’ reflexivity and sociological imagination.
Symposium presentation (Magyarul / In Hungarian)
I recorded this Hungarian language talk for the Angelusz Robert Szakkollegium, a Hungarian student organisation I was involved in throughout my university years.
At their 15 year conference jointly with Marton Gero, Endre Demeter and Gergely Horzsa we decided to talk about our research into extracurricular activities more generally, and these types of Hungarian student organisations more specifically.
Here I talk about my work at the University of Sheffield, based on the following paper:
HORDÓSY, R & CLARK, T. 2018. Beyond the Compulsory: a Critical Exploration of the Experiences of Extracurricular Activity and Employability in a Northern Red Brick University. Research in Post-Compulsory Education.
talks and Seminars
HORDÓSY, R. 2024. “We saw them function as people, and we did research in the process”: student perceptions of the research and teaching nexus compared between countries and over time. Budapest: ELTE PPK
HORDÓSY, R. 2024. Mit is csinál egy szociológus? Norvég, angol és magyar egyetemisták jövőképe. Budapest: ELTE TÁTK
HORDÓSY, R. 2024. (Akadémiai) karrier utak a szociológiában - magyarországi, angliai és norvégiai pályakezdők tapasztalatai, tervei. Budapest: Corvinus University Budapest
HORDÓSY, R. 2024. Agency az oktatás – kutatás kapcsolatában. Budapest: Budapest Business School
HORDÓSY, R., LASHARI, A. & YASDIMAN, M.B. 2024. What is sociological research? Exploring Norwegian, Hungarian and English student and staff views, and curriculum documents. Lancaster: Educational Research, Intedisciplinary Seminar Series, Lancaster University.
HORDÓSY, R. 2024. What does a sociologist do? Using the lens of possible selves to explore Norwegian, English and Hungarian university students’ views. Trondheim: Department of Sociology and Political Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
HORDÓSY, R. 2024. Norwegian, English and Hungarian university students’ perceptions of disciplinary choice and sociology as a profession Oslo: Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo
HORDÓSY, R. 2024. Student perceptions of the research and teaching nexus: comparing between countries and over time. Oslo: Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo
HORDÓSY, R. 2023. (Almost) permanent: a (relatively) straightforward academic career (as it stands). Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences Research Culture. Nottingham: University of Nottingham.
BROWN, E., VEGA CASTILLO, M.A., LEE, GCY & HORDÓSY, R. 2023 How ‘global’ are sociology journals in the Web of Science database? Exploring journal aims, editorial board networks and authorship. Department of Sociology Seminars Invited Talk. Durham: Durham University
HORDÓSY, R. 2020. “I looked in the mirror the other day and I thought I don’t recognise myself from a year ago” - diversity, change and interdependence in university transitions. - Higher Education and Social Inequality Research Seminars. Durham: Durham University
HORDÓSY, R. 2019. Round table and facilitated discussion – ‘The practical challenges of Identifying Disadvantaged Students’. Seminar entitled ‘Widening participation in higher education: what makes for effective practice?’ Cambridge: Faculty of Education
HORDÓSY, R. & CLARK, T. July 2019. How do student experiences of employability change over time? Interrelations of policy, practice and career planning. Keynote at AGCAS Research Conference, Newcastle. [Download presentation]
CLARK, T. & HORDÓSY, R. April 2019. Undergraduate experiences of the research/teaching nexus across the whole student lifecourse. Seminar entitled 'Experts, knowledge and criticality in the age of ´alternative facts’: re-examining the contribution of higher education' SRHE, London. [Download presentation]
HORDÓSY, R. & CLARK, T. June 2018. ‘Sheffield Student 2013’ Longitudinal tracking project, Final outcomes. Workshop at WPREU, Sheffield.
HORDÓSY, R. May 2018. "Research is great and everything, but it doesn’t help me": Understanding experiences of the research/teaching nexus. Values in Higher Education research, policy and practice. Invited talk at symposium, Sheffield.
HORDÓSY, R. Oct 2016. Financial... (Past), Present, Future? Research outcomes from the Sheffield Student 2013 tracking project. Invited talk at the Office for Fair Access, Bristol
HORDÓSY, R. Nov 2015. Longitudinal research with students: A methodological case study (Designing research). Invited workshop for the National Education Opportunities Network, Sheffield
HORDÓSY, R. Feb 2013. What are school leavers and graduates doing in different European countries? Who knows and who cares? Talk at the UoB Doctoral Research Seminar series, Birmingham.
iPoster Interactive presentation
We prepared this iPoster interactive presentation with narration for AERA 2020. It looks at the research and teaching nexus paper from the 'Sheffield Student 2013' longitudinal tracking project.
CLARK, T. & HORDÓSY, R. 2019. Undergraduate experiences of the research / teaching nexus across the whole student lifecycle. Teaching in Higher Education, 24(3), 412–427.
doi: 10.1080/13562517.2018.1544123
Conference Papers
HORDÓSY, R. 2023. Enabling transformative university transitions: becoming a student and a graduate. Symposium title: Reimagining Transitions into, through and beyond Higher Education: Empirical and theoretical considerations. Birmingham: SRHE Annual Conference.
HORDÓSY, R., BROWN, E. & LEE, G. & VEGA CASTILLO, MA. 2023. Gatekeepers and producers of global sociological knowledge: exploring the stated aims, editorial boards and author networks of disciplinary journals. Birmingham: SRHE Annual Conference.
HORDÓSY, R., YASDIMAN, BM. & LASHARI, A. 2023. Exploring the role of research in curriculum documents and the eyes of Norwegian, Hungarian and English students. Birmingham: SRHE Annual Conference.
YASDIMAN, BM., HORDÓSY, R. & NORRIS, J. 2023. An international comparative study of sociology students’ perceptions of their disciplines. In: Hot-topic symposium - The teaching and research nexus in international higher education: perspectives from multiple stakeholders. Birmingham: BERA
HORDÓSY, R., YASDIMAN, BM. & NORRIS, J. 2023. How Does One Become A Sociologist? – A Comparative Study Of Student Perceptions In Norway, England And Hungary. Glasgow: EERA ECER
HORDÓSY, R. 2023. From being social, to becoming academic, and leaving as a graduate - Transformative university transitions. Beyond Satisfaction, Student Engagement and Partnership in Teaching and Learning, Teaching and Learning Conference, Nottingham: University of Nottingham.
BROWN, E., VEGA CASTILLO, M.A., & HORDÓSY, R. 2023. How international are sociology journals? – Analysis of aims, editorial boards and gatekeeper networks. British Sociological Association Annual Conference. Manchester: BSA, University of Manchester
HORDÓSY, R. & NORRIS, J. 2023. Sociology students' perceptions of themselves within the discipline - an international comparative analysis. British Sociological Association Annual Conference. Manchester: BSA, University of Manchester
CLARK, T. & HORDÓSY, R. 2021. Undergraduate Experiences Of The Research / Teaching Nexus Across The Student Lifecycle. AREA 2020 – Virtual Annual Meeting iPoster and Chat Session. Available at:
HORDÓSY, R. 2021. Sociology students’ perception of their discipline & themselves within it. School Seminar Series. Nottingham: School of Education, University of Nottingham
HORDÓSY, R. 2020. Az oktatás és kutatás kapcsolata szociológia tanszékeken: egy nemzetközi összehasonlító vizsgálat első eredményei (The connection between research and teaching in sociology departments: early results from an international comparative study). Sociology at the Dawn of a Successful Century? Budapest: MTA TK (See video recording in Hungarian below)
HORDÓSY, R. 2020. Undergraduate experiences of the research/teaching nexus across the whole student lifecycle - School Seminar Series. Nottingham: School of Education
HORDÓSY, R., JONES, S., MITTELMEIER, J., QUYOUM, A. & MCCALDIN, T. 2019. ‘Possible Selves’ in Practice: How Further Education Students Conceptualise Higher Education. Newport: SRHE Annual Conference.
HORDÓSY, R. & CLARK, T. 2019 'They teach it better because it's something they're really interested in’ - Undergraduate experiences of the research / teaching nexus. BERA 2019 Conference. Manchester: University of Manchester.
HORDÓSY, R. & CLARK, T. 2018. ‘I’ve got work experience purely through asking’: a Critical Exploration of Extracurricular Activities and Employability. Newport: SRHE Annual Conference.
HORDÓSY, R. & CLARK, T. 2018. ‘Research is great and everything, but it doesn’t help me’: Undergraduate experiences of the research / teaching nexus IN symposium: Experts, Knowledge and Criticality in the Age of ‘Alternative Facts’. Newport: SRHE Annual Conference.
HORDÓSY, R. 2018. "I might just get a bog standard job for like a year" - Stratification and change within career planning at an English University. BERA 2018 Conference. Newcastle: Northumbria University.
HORDÓSY, R. & CLARK, T. 2017. ‘They teach it better because it's something they're really interested in it’ - Undergraduate experiences of research at a Northern Red Brick University. Newport: SRHE Annual Conference.
HORDÓSY, R., CLARK, T. & VICKERS, D. 2017. Academic transitions in the context of a research intensive institution. Learning and Teaching Conference Sheffield: The University of Sheffield.
CROCKFORD, J., HORDÓSY, R. LANE, L. & WOODCOCK, L. 2016. Symposium: "Twice as hard to get your marks": Multiple perspectives on academic transition(s) in Higher Education. BERA 2016 Conference, HE SIG. Leeds: University of Leeds.
HORDÓSY, R. & GILLIE, D. 2016. What else do undergraduates do throughout their studies? – Student transitions and extracurricular activities at British universities. BERA 2016 Conference, Higher Education SIG. Leeds: University of Leeds.
HORDÓSY, R. 2016. "My parents can't support me financially so I have to work to put myself through uni": Financial transitions in Higher Education Post-2012. Sheffield: WPREU Forum.
HORDÓSY, R. 2016. Conceptualising financial transitions throughout university – the students’ view. Researching Higher Education: the Next Five Years, Research Conference. Sheffield: TUoS School of Education.
HORDÓSY, R., CLARK, T. & VICKERS, D. 2015. How do students finance their studies after the change in tuition fees, loans and grants? Timeline of financial transitions at a Northern Red-Brick University. Newport: SRHE Annual Conference.
HORDÓSY, R., CLARK, T. & VICKERS, D. 2015. Academic transitions into higher education and negotiating change in teaching and learning in 2013. BERA 2015 Annual Conference, Higher Education SIG. Belfast: Queen’s University Belfast.
HORDÓSY, R. 2015. Viewing student finance and widening participation through the lens of institutional stakeholders: the case of the University of Sheffield. In: PERRY, G. (discussant) Symposium: Student finance and transitioning into undergraduate studies. BERA 2015 Annual Conference, Higher Education SIG. Belfast: Queen’s University Belfast.
HORDÓSY, R., CLARK, T. & VICKERS, D. 2015. Negotiating multiple transitions at an English university in the first year of studies. EERA ECER 2015. Research in Higher Education NW. Budapest: Corvinus University of Budapest.
HORDÓSY, R. 2015. What is the role of student societies in the transition into the first year at a British university? In: HALÁSZ, G. (discussant) Symposium: Comparative View of Extracurricular Activities: Transitions to and from Higher Education. EERA ECER 2015. Research in Higher Education NW. Budapest: Corvinus University of Budapest.
HORDÓSY, R. 2015. Student experience at the University of Sheffield: how do students reflect on their own skills and competences during the first year of university studies? Learning and Teaching Conference. Sheffield: TUoS.
HORDÓSY, R., CLARK, T. & VICKERS, D. 2014. Student experiences at the University of Sheffield. BERA 2014 Annual Conference, Higher Education SIG. London: Institute of Education.
HORDÓSY, R. 2014. Students’ understanding of their place in a marketised higher education system. BSA Education Study Group Conference. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.
HORDÓSY, R. 2013. What do we know about the trajectories of school leavers’ and graduates’? – comparing three European countries. EERA ECER 2013, Policy Studies and Politics of Education NW. Istanbul: Bahçeşehir University.
HORDÓSY, R. 2013. What do we know about school leavers and graduates after they left school or university? Differences in Europe and the case of England. BERA 2013 Annual Conference, Comparative and international education SIG. Brighton: UoS.
HORDÓSY, R. 2013. How is school segregation patterned in England? Has it changed in the last decade? In: COSTA, M. (discussant) Symposium: Clustering potentially disadvantaged pupils: research evidence from different countries). BERA Annual Conference 2013, Educational research and educational policy-making SIG. Brighton: University of Sussex
GORARD, S., HORDÓSY, R. & SEE, B. H. 2013. Narrowing down the determinants of between-school segregation: An analysis of the intake to all schools in England 1989 to 2011. San Francisco: AERA 2013 Annual Meeting.
HORDÓSY, R. 2012. What are school leavers and graduates doing in different European countries? Who knows and who cares? Paper at the EERA ECER 2012, Policy Studies and Politics of Education NW. Cadiz: University of Cádiz.
HORDÓSY, R. 2012. Data production and utilisation in relation to school leaving in several European countries. BERA 2012 Annual Conference, Early Career Researcher Conference, Manchester: University of Manchester.
HORDÓSY, R. 2011. Investigating School Leavers’ Surveys in Europe. Paper at the EERA ECER 2011, Emerging Researchers Conference. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin.
HORDÓSY, R. & KORZENSZKY, A. 2009. Osszevont tanulocsoportos kisiskolak Magyarorszagon (Multigrade schools in Hungary), Budapest: OTDK (Conference of Scientific Students' Associations).
HORDÓSY, R. 2009. Miss Marple, a szomorúmanók és a szegénység vagy hogyan írt Solt Ottilia a szegénységrol, mikor az nem is létezett (Miss Marple, the sad-goblins and poverty – How did Ottilia Solt write about poverty when it “did not exist”), Budapest: OTDK (Conference of Scientific Students' Associations).
ANTAL, T. & HORDÓSY, R. 2007: Zsíroskenyér, pingpong és drogprevenció. (Bread and dripping, ping-pong and drug prevention), Pécs: OTDK (Conference of Scientific Students' Associations).
Conference talk (Magyarul / In Hungarian)
At this Hungarian language talk at the 2020 conference of MTA TK entitled 'Sociology at the Dawn of a Successful Century?' I presented the first results of my NRF project, focusing on how students see sociology, and themselves in the discipline.